Year 2 – RE: Diwali

As part of the Diwali celebrations during the Autumn term, our Year 2 children learnt about the Festival of Light, listened to stories, and made their own candle holders and sweet treats.

Summer Holiday Newsletter

abstract art artistic background

We’ve reached the end of the academic year and we are all looking forward to our summer break.

The final half term has seen the children working extremely hard. Our Year 2s celebrated their final week, demonstrating their amazing skills in front of the whole school, and parents and carers in a fantastic leavers assembly. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

In this newsletter you will find a letter from the head teacher, details on what each year group have been up to, and links to additional support you may wish to tap into over the holiday period; as well as a celebratory Year 2 gallery page.

Whatever you decide to do this summer; we wish you a happy and enjoyable holiday. Stay safe! We’ll see you back at school on Wednesday 6th September.

Easter Newsletter

We’ve reached the end of our Spring term and we are ready to recouperate before we enter into the Summer term where we have lots of fun activities and learning to complete. Below you’ll find this half terms newsletter full of year group updates, recommended reads, Maths challenge and upcoming diary dates.

We wish you a restful Easter break – have fun and stay safe!

Performance Tables 2019


Assessment at the end of EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

In the final term of the year in which a child reaches 5, the EYFS Profile must be completed for each child. Each child’s level of development must be assessed against the ELGs. Children are defined as having reached a good level of development (GLD) at the end of EYFS if they have achieved at the expected level in:

  • the prime areas of learning (all aspects):
    • communication and language – listening, attention & understanding; speaking
    • personal, social and emotional development – self-regulation; managing self; building relationships
    • physical development – gross motor skills; fine motor skills


  • 2 aspects of the specific areas:
    • Literacy – comprehension; word reading; writing
    • Mathematics – number; numerical patterns


In Key Stage 1 all the children are assessed against the requirements of the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum.  Individual and comparative results are sent to parents/carers.

We set high academic expectations and targets and we are proud of the achievements of the children.  Results for the last academic year for Year 1 Phonics screening and end of Key Stage 1 are given below:

Year 1 Phonic screen check

The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.

Year 2 children attaining expected or better in:

Reading, Writing and Maths 

 Further information can be found by clicking on this link

Christmas Newsletter 2022

After a very busy second half to the Autumn term, we’ve finally reached the Christmas holidays. An exhausting few weeks, including our themed class activities, Ofsted visit, and festive preparations; including Christingle and our school play – not to mention the Snow!.

You can find the full details in our Christmas newsletter and photos will be updated on the website in the New Year – so keep an eye out.

On behalf of all the staff, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the festivities, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!