Autumn term one newsletter

What a lovely start to the new academic year. We’ve reached the end of the first half of our Autumn term, welcoming our children back and settling in our new EYFS children and their families. We’ve been busy reading stories, being creative, visiting the woods and exploring nature. A lot of learning and fun has been had and you can read all about it in our half term newsletter.

It just leaves us to say thank you for your continued support, have fun, stay safe and we’ll see you back at school on Monday 31st October.

Summer term two newsletter

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We’ve finally reached the end of the academic year and we are all looking forward to our holidays.

During the final half term the children have worked extremely hard, whilst dealing with extreme heat! Our Year 2s have given us all a celebratory leavers assembly in front of the whole school as well as to parents and carers. What a wonderful demonstration of skills! We hope you all enjoyed it.

In this newsletter you will find a letter from the head teacher, details on what each year group have been up to, and links to various charities and organisations providing additional support you may wish to tap into over the holiday period.

Whether you’re going to London, visiting sights in the local area, going abroad, or staying home this Summer, we wish you a happy and enjoyable holiday. Stay safe! We’ll see you back at school on Monday 5th September.

Year 2 – History: Then and Now

A practical lesson creating a class timeline, as well as, ordering King James I Coronation, the Gunpowder plot, Queen Elizabeth II Coronation and Fireworks night.

Year 2 – Role Play

The children listened to the story of The Enormous Turnip, recreating the story in groups to use expression and actions in the correct order.

As part of the story ‘Pattan’s Pumpkin’, being read throughout the Autumn term, the children took it in turns to Hot Seat within their groups. By impersonating a character from the story, they were able to think about how they would be thinking and feeling; finishing with the whole class asking each character questions.