
As a two form entry with an intake of 60 children per year group, from EYFS to Year 2. We work very closely with our local pre-schools to help the children have a good transition from their previous setting into our school. The pre-school children are invited to visit us with their key person or a parent at certain dates and times in order to give the children a gentle introduction. The reception teachers also visit the pre-school. This is so they can meet the children and find out about what they like to do and who their friends are.

Parents and carers are written to in advance of their child starting school where we detail the dates and times of visits. We also hold an evening meeting in the summer term where we tell parents/carers about life in the reception classes and provide all the necessary information about our school as well as giving them the opportunity to meet the class teachers.

The policy provided by Essex County Council state that children born on 1st September 2019 up to and including 31st August 2020, start in EYFS/Reception at the beginning of the academic year September 2024. Online application for September 2024 admissions can be made from 6th November 2023 up to and including 15th January 2024 when it closes. The same admission process applies for junior schools, including transfers from infant schools. Any Mid-year transfers can be applied for via the Essex County Council admissions process.

Essex County Council handle the admissions and you can apply for your child’s place via their Admissions website where you can register their details.

Following registration, your registered GP will send you the application form which should be completed and returned by the end of the February, prior to your child starting school in the Autumn term. Should you not receive the form or have any questions, please contact Planning and Admissions at County Hall, Chelmsford, telephone 0845 603 2200.

Please refer to which details admission arrangements from Essex County Council for the academic year 2024-25