Christmas Newsletter

Christmas is here already! After a very busy second half to the Autumn term, we’ve finally reached the holidays. An exhausting few weeks, including our themed class activities, whole school farm trip and festive preperations; including Christingle and our class Nativities.

You can find the full details in our Christmas newsletter and photos will be updated on the website in the coming weeks – so keep an eye out.

On behalf of all the staff, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the festivities, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Autumn term one newlsetter

Welcome back to the start of a new academic year. We’ve reached the end of the first half of our Autumn term. We have had a busy set of weeks, welcoming our children back and settling in our new EYFS children and their families. A lot of learning and fun has been had and you can read all about it in our half term newsletter.

It just leaves us to say thank you for your continued support, remember to only knock on doors where houses are decorated over Halloween, and to have fun, stay safe and we’ll see you back at school on Monday 1st November.

Kitchen update

The Junior school kitchen will be closed again tomorrow (Thursday). Please send your child in with a packed lunch. Thank you

Thank You!

Over the summer we have been working hard on the play areas and gardens within the school to improve them for our children.

During that time, we have had a great deal of support from the following companies, without which it would not have been possible.

Please help us to support these companies as a ‘Thank You’ from us all.


Garden Makeover

Over the last seven weeks we have been working hard to create a lovely sensory garden for our infant school children following the tough year they have had, to help provide a calming sensory place for them to go when they feel the need. We have refreshed the Early Years outside area, redesigned the allotment, created construction zones and uplifted the Year 1 and 2’s outside area.

We now have many mini projects on the go as we try to provide our children with somewhere to enjoy at different stages of their day.

As you can see from the photos, we have transformed and created some wonderful areas with the support of various companies and with the monies raised by our families.

We would like to invite you to look at a wish list we have created to help us finalise some of these projects. A selection of these items are from companies who have supported our work, helping us create what we have achieved so far. Their generosity has been overwhelming and we therefore would appreciate you using these companies as a thank you for their help towards our projects.

Feel free to share the links with friends and family.

Thank you for your continued support.

Doddinghurst Infant School

Community Recycle Scheme

Whilst updating various areas of our school, we’ve been put in contact with a great scheme to support schools across the communities.

This new scheme donates second-hand, overstocked and end-of-line equipment to schools across the UK. A range of items has already been given away, including shade sails, post pad protectors and colourful fence pales. The full range of items can be viewed online, where requests can also be submitted. Several companies are involved with this initiative, including A&S Landscape a supplier of school canopies.

More details will be supplied later, alongside our newsletter.

Summer term two newsletter

We’ve reached the end of another unusal academic year with many changes to our school days. We have many goodbyes, a lot of thanks but have had planty of fun to end our Summer term. You can read all about it in our half term newsletter.

It just leaves us to say a huge thank you for your support, to wish you an enjoyable summer break and to have fun, stay safe and we’ll see you back at school in September.