Year 2 – Science Week

During science week our children carouselled round the school, enjoying various activities, such as Bridge building to see how much weight they could hold, creating electrical circuits, looking at different materials and testing the magnetism, and seeing how far they could stretch a CurlyWurly without it breaking!

Year 2 – Science: Healthy Snacks

During the term of Spring and Summer, our Year 2 children learnt about different healthy foods and snacks. They even had the chance to make and taste some; including, wraps and a selection of fruit and vegetables.

Year 2 – Health and Fitness

The school has taken part in various workshops and participated in school competitions, on top of their usual PE lessons. Below is a snippet of the activities our Year 2 have enjoyed. Including, gymnastics, Skipping and Kidz Fit workshops.

Year 2 – PSHE and Role Play

Over the course of the year our children take part in various activities to enable them to think about others and how their lives, thoughts and emotions may differ to their own. This may, for example, be a part of PSHE, history, or literacy. Below you can see some of their role play during their PSHE Conscience Alley where they take it in turns to make decisions, or being Leaf – a character they discussed from a book; and during their learning of the events from the Titanic, they re-enact how some of the staff and passengers may have felt.

Year 2 – The Great Fire of London

Combining many curricular activities, alongside History, Year 2 learnt about The Great Fire of London. They designed and built houses as part of Design Technology, wrote a diary entry about the day the fire broke out, discussed the historical characters, such as Samuel Pepys; they even got a chance to take part in their own archeological dig to find artifacts.

Year 2 – Ice Sculptures

As part of Creative Arts week, the children were set the task of creating an ice sculpture to bring into school. Each year group walked round the school to view all the sculptures on show, created by each class. They then wrote about what they’d made, the materials used, and completed a little experiment to see what would happen to their scultures when left in different areas of the school. Would they stay frozen, melt slowly or turn into water very quickly?

Here are some of their pieces!

Year 2 – World Book Week

During World Book week, our children enjoy coming to school dressed as one of their favorite book characters. Over the course of the week, they read books together, discuss the authors and artists, swap classes to have different members of staff read their favourite childrens books, share their stories with their younger peers and enjoy engaging in interactive workshops.