Year 2 – Creative Arts

At the start of the Autumn term, our children concentrate on PSHE, discussing the school rules and looking at emotions. Linked in with their creative arts lessons they created their own monster, following their discussions with the ‘Colour Worry Monster’

Later in the term, they expanded on their use of natural resources, learning about Andy Goldsworthy; a Britsh artist who uses natural materials to create scultpures. They created their own pieces of art, including trees, faces and abstract designs!

Year 2 – Creating a Sukkah in RE

As part of the Jewish celebrations during the Autumn term, our children learnt about Sukkot and the huts that get constructed for the week long festival. Linking in to their creative arts they were able to design and make their own Sukkah using natural resources from outside.

Summer term one newsletter

We’re almost at the end of the academic year with just one half of the Summer term left.

During the first half of the term the children have worked hard, represented the school in various events and came together to start the Jubilee celebrations!

Whether you’re going to London for the Queens Platinum Jubilee, attending the local events or celabrating at home, we hope you have an enjoyable half term break. Stay safe!

Easter Newsletter

white rabbit figurine on white and pink floral textile

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break full of fun activities.

We’ve completed two thirds of our academic year and we are ready to go full steam ahead into the Summer term. We have lots of fun activities and learning to complete; but in the mean time, attached is the Easter newsletter you received earlier this month where you’ll find year group updates and photos from the Spring term.

Year 1 – Learning

At the start of a new academic year, our children take time getting to know their new class, teacher and change in learning. Our Year 1s participated in PSHE lessons meeting Jigsaw Jack, joined in with role playing the Scarecrows Wedding, and being Betty & Reginald, went to the local church for Remembrance, sorted animals into groups and wrote about their activities… just a small selection to look back on.

Year 1 – Farm to Fork

At the start of the Autumn term our children learnt about how their food and drink is produced. As part of their learning, they tasted different types or milk and cheese, as well as fruit and smoothies. Yum!

Community Recycle Scheme

We’re looking to add some shade to our seating areas and grounds. We’ve been in contact with a great scheme to support schools across the communities.

This new scheme donates a collection of second-hand, overstocked and end-of-line equipment to schools in the UK. A wide range of items has already been given away, including shade sails, post pad protectors and colourful fence pales. The full range of items can be viewed online, where requests can also be submitted. Several companies are involved with this initiative, including A&S Landscape a supplier of retractable roof canopies.

With their support, schools are able to update and provide their staff and pupils with something new. A little makes a big difference!

Year 1 – Physical Education

Throughout the Autumn term our children have participated in Dance, Dodgeball and Gymnastics where they have learnt various skills; such as, balance, co-ordination, and fine & gross motor control.

Year 1 – Themed Events

During Autumn term our children took part in, and experienced various festive activities. These included our Christingle and Posada, the Nativity, Christmas Panto and a present hunt at the village church. Leslie Williams also came in to provide workshops on friendships and diversity.

Year 1 – Creative Arts

Autumn term Creative Arts activities included: Music and dance, along with the exploration of fruit – tasting, creating faces and utilising colour to reflect what we see during our painting.